Toggle Tags


We thought it was pretty impressive to go from concept to a complete car in one year.  The entire second year of the Catfish has been taking the prototype and making it something that could be reproduced, and it has actually been more difficult than making the original car.  Each and every part needs a drawing, a confirming sample, testing, refining, re-testing, and fitment with all the other new parts to make sure they work together.  The Bill of Materials (BOM) book on the frame alone is over 100 pages.

We’re now paying attention to some of the smaller touches.  Competition Werkes in Oregon makes our exhaust, and they also put their new Amada laser to good use making some unique toggle tags.  See if you can tell what’s being made under the heat and bubbling protective plastic of the stainless sheet in the video above.  To put car building in perspective, These tags alone took two days to design and manufacture (quick!), and each tag went through at least three iterations, from design, to symbol type, size and placement, to final product.  Multiply that kind of time to every part on a car and you can see why it takes a year to build a car.

Want some toggle tags for your own project?  Check out for tags and other cool parts.


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